This morning I saw some crabs picking at a corpse. They scurried off as I walked past them. I got back into town at dawn, my feet were blistering. The doctor back at the post did what she could, which wasn't much.
Met up with Carl while I was back. He invited me into his home. Guess he was in a good mood, he doesn't usually do that. He had a few beers left in the fridge, they were decayed but still much better than what I'm used to.
I spent a long time sitting and resting my feet and looking around at Carl's paintings. Been a while since I'd been in such a nice place.
Carl's wife was sleeping in the bedroom. I wonder if he realizes how lucky he is to have a wife who's still pretty, and isn't a cannibal or a thief. Sometimes I wonder if I could live this sort of life. Probably not.
Right now it's 5:43 according to my watch, but that might be broken so I don't really know what time it is. I think I'll head out soon. A sandstorm started up outside. I kind of like it.